I have changed a couple of things. I'll put the details of my changes here and update the first post.
I swapped out both allures. Something I wasn't too sure about to begin with but after a few playtests I grew to prefer having a Gold sarcophagus and Lighting Vortex.
I tried playing a complete zombie deck with Zombie world but I wasn't feeling it. I like having the toolbox of synchro monsters readily available. Caius, I feel, is a solid choice given how many people run dark monsters and how easily I can generate tribute fodder for him. he has yet to be a dead draw for me. Tragoedia is an incredible monster, I'm honestly surprised more people aren't using him. Gardna goes without saying.
I'm not sure about Malevolent Mech - Goku En. I don't know what I would drop to put him in the deck. He is good for synchro at 6 stars and as a zombie would work well with my grave. But on the other hand, he isn't searchable by anything in my deck and his effect could prove to be counter productive.
I'll try him out but my hopes aren't very high.
I was thinking about using Il Blud but again I don't know what I would remove to put him in.
You would really have to try out the deck to see how it works.
My side deck is not sorted yet. I have 3 light imprisoning mirrors, a Cyber Dragon and 2 D.D. Designators. I'm trying to think how I would stop Lightsworns but I also need to figure something for oppression decks.
Thanks for your feedback.