okay, u joined a tester's network, by log off u mean u got tested and wanna leave or u jst want to log off
I. To leave.
1. Locate the name of the network, which indicated by the green CIRCLE (not star) alternatively
2. Choose "leave network".
II. To log off
this is to turn off ur hamachi, u can either turn the power of ur hamachi system off or completely exist the network
1. the power button is located at the bottom left of ur hamachi application
2. CLick on it....."power off" XD
1. there is a small arrow, which located at the top left conner of the hamachi application
2. LEFT click on it.
3. press "Yes" if u want to exist, "No" if ur jst testing if i m saying nonsense XD
- but never mind anyway since this is already in off topic XD