Not bad, but not too good either. The Naruto signature is better (I'll be rating and talking about that). Believe it or not, not much is going on. There's a small concept, but I can still see it. Try blending in the background with Naruto to make it look like he has a flaming effect. There's a bad light source and the text stands out way too much. Try using a red to white gradient map and setting it to soft light (if it's too strong lower the opacity). It's to keep a balance in colors (for these kinds of signatures). Try adding some light shadows at the bottom corners. Also, try making it a tiny bit bleached since I think the red is a bit too strong. One more thing; use the blur tool (or use Gaussian blur and then erase the focal) and blur some parts of the background to create more depth for the focal so our eyes go straight to it instead of to the background too. :]
Overall Rating: 7.5/10