Hello, LDA. I'm new here but I hope to become an active member of LDA, seeing as it looks like a great forum.
I've never been part of a Yugioh Academy before, although I have been a member of many forums including Pojo and DuelistGroundz.
I have around 5800 posts on Pojo, I recently quit due to the lack of honesty that forum displays, I was recently scammed by a moderator on there for $40, 2 Simorghs, and a Brionac.
I was a Moderator on DuelistGroundz with a few thousand posts, and then I was banned for Unstickying an Administrators post which was completely useless(It was a decklist that he posted...).
Now I'm coming here, hoping to find a better community than recent ones I was a member of.
So, about me..
I love writing, that is one of my many hobbies. I write many Yugioh articles and FanFics. I will be posting some of my older articles on here soon, I just have to look over them and make sure nothing is outdated. More of my hobbies are Football, Basketball, Swimming, Yugioh, but most of all, Hanging out with my friends.
I've played Yu-Gi-Oh ever since the release of The Legend of Blue Eyes, and will continue to play until they stop producing the cards. You can read about some of my achievements in my signature.
I won't be able to test until I get my laptop repaired, or get a new one, because it got flooded in my basement. I am currently on dial-up on my desktop, and I can't download anything, but I can post some, luckily.
Well, that's about all I have to say, I hope everyone here at LDA accepts me into your community, because I hope to make this my permanent forum.
> Toxic