Hi guys and welcome to my testing office.
If your looking for a test then you've come to the right place or if you just stop by to say hi then that's also fine.
So lets get right to my rules and conditions on how I am going to test you.
Rules1. YOU must be able to host because my dumb computer won't allow me to host. This is probably the most important rule because if you can't host and I can't host then I won't test in the first place.
2. There are certain deck types that i do not allow because I don't think these can show your true potential as a duelist. Here they are:
- Burn Decks
- Mills
- Exodia
3. NO banned cards ( If i catch you using a banned card then I will give you a warning the first time telling you to take it out and we can restart the duel over, but if I see it again then the test will end immediately.)
4. I can't tell you how many duels we are going to have, but it will be a match most of the time. If I need more information on you then I may ask for another duel or if I already have enough info then i might end the duel sooner.
5. No deck switching allowed in between duels, the only time you may use a different deck is if I asked you to.
6. Side decking is allowed, but if you side deck and the next duel it completely counters my deck then I'll probably know something is up.
If you see me on Ham then feel free to ask for a test and tell me if you need a test or a retest.
Here is the ham to join (remember to leave the network once you have been tested):
Nhant TestPass- test
Edit: This week I will be less active because school just started for me and i need to settle in and get things done, but I will still be on. After this week is done i should be more active.[b]