Monsters: 20
x3 Gaurdian Eatos
x2 Mobius
x2 Zaborg
x3 D.D. Survivor
x2 D.D. Scout
x2 D.D. Assailant
x1 D.D. Warrior Lady
x1 Cyber Dragon
x2 Banisher of Light
x1 Spirit Reaper
x1 Marshmallon
Spells: 13
x3 Axe of Despair
x2 Horn of Unicorn
x2 Dimensional Fissure
x2 Different Dimension Reincarnation
x1 MST
x1 Lightning Vortex
x1 Swords of Revealing Light
Traps: 7
x3 Macro Cosmos
x2 Dimensional Prison
x2 Dark Bribe
x1 Mirror Force