Personally, not to sound egotistical or anything, I think my idea of having Standardized Tester Decks is better and less complex than a ranking system inside each dorm.
If we do things your way will will have to rely on people far more than we should. They would have to be on at certain time, people would need to work their lives to fit this in. That is something that shouldn't have to be done in any sort of game.
I just see this as too many requirements to be practical. First off you would need to find 12 people capable of test, and on top of that, they would need to be fairly active. Then you would need to find decks that suit the normal, hard, and expert settings; mix them up so you have a variety, sounds like a lot of work for just a bit of reward.
On the other hand if we just get a list of decks, then there just needs to be 1 Tester online in order for it to work. NO relying on peoples schedules, no inter-dorm compatibility problems, etc.
I do agree that if person beats a Tester in a test, that should mean something, if not guarantee something. Having the staff/Testers put together a deck list of decent decks and using them, would allow for such a system to be put in place.
Anyways, enough of me trying to sell my idea.